Meet sweet burlesque

Photo by Jesper Koefoed

Headmistress Ann

Owner and founder of Sweet Burlesque

Genres: Neo-Burlesque, Showgirl, Charleston, Heels, Streetjazz, Modern, Jazz, Ballet, ChairDance, ChairWork, Classic Burlesque, Choreography and Technique.

Best features:

  • Always remembers the name of all her students.

  • Her motivation, tireless level of energy and joy.

Headmistress Ann is an elegant, extravagant and passionate performer and one of Denmark’s most hard-working choreographers.  Miss Ann is known for her exceptional technique and captivating stage presence and high energy on stage, while she, among students, is known for her enthusiastic good mood, big smile, and empathy for all. Miss Ann has a unique ability to get everyone involved and to feel welcome and being part of the Sweet Burlesque family.  

She is a master of expression and loves to explore and create new and fun routines for her students. As a licensed physiotherapist, she also uses her knowledge of the body to strengthen her student's body awareness through dancing.  

As the owner of Sweet Burlesque miss Ann has created the Sweet Burlesque concept to all women who wish to feel sexy, gain more confidence and just have fun while working out.

Headmistress Ann will be teaching Back to Basic, Sensual Seduction, Fandance Intermediate, Body Control is the New Sexy & Chairtease



miss Olivia

Genres: Heels, Girly, Neo-burlesque, Ballet, Choreography, Streetjazz, Shuffle, Hip Hop

Best features:

  • Miss Olivia is ALWAYS a mood bomb without equal. Her energy keeps the dance running as long as the music plays

In Miss Olivia's world, all one's problems can disappear by dancing it out. She is always outgoing, smiling and super energetic. Her wild moves and exuberant energy can get you up to speed on even the most boring day. Her musical ear is expressed in her original and exciting choreographies. She goes up in being technical and challenging the music with her Neo-burlesque style.

She has been dancing since she was 3 years old. Over the years, she has tried everything from ballet to Hip Hop, which has given her creativity in mixing the styles.

Miss Olivia will be teaching StreetNHeels & Streetjazz Advanced



miss Sarah

Genre: Classic Burlesque, Neo-Burlesque.

Best features: High spirited welcoming woman, who always brings a creative touch!

Miss Sarah is a happy and fun teacher who is a strong advocate for body positivity. Her classes are focused on being a safe space for all women to embrace and unfold their sensuality and inner diva. You are guaranteed to leave her class with a big smile on your beautiful face! Miss Sarah brings creative thinking into the classes, and finds new and fun ways of using the classic burlesque props, as well as costumes.

Before joining Sweet Burlesque in 2018, Sarah was a Zumba instructor with a strong emphasis on making her classes fun.

Miss Sarah will not be teaching in the Summer Season



Photo by Gaia Micatovitch

Sally Boleyn

Genres: Classical Burlesque, Theater

Best Features:

  • Sally Boleyn is an artist with a keen sense of storytelling and extensive knowledge of the burlesque scene.

When Sally Boleyn saw her first burlesque show, it was love at first sight. The dance, the comedy, the stories, the unfiltered sensuality, and the fearless performers - she was completely captivated! Since then, she has worked her way up from being a door person to a stage performer, gracing burlesque stages across the country. With a background in theater, she loves to challenge her students, bringing her passion for burlesque and her experience as a stage artist into her teaching. Participants can expect a dedicated and inspiring instructor who shares her knowledge and love for burlesque.

Sally Boleyn will be teaching Burlesque 101.


Photo by Jesper Koefoed

Miss Alex

Genres: Neo-Burlesque, Charleston, Classic Burlesque, Street jazz, Chairdance and Choreography.

Best feature:

  • Her mesmerizing moves

Don’t mistake her sweet looks with innocence, Miss Alex is a devil in disguise and will dazzle you with her outstanding and creative choreographies filled with sass and attitude. 

Miss Alex comes from a background of ballroom dancing and knows the technical aspects of dance. 

As an experienced dancer she moves with elegance and grace and teaches many genres such as Street jazz, Jazz, Modern and of course Burlesque. 

Miss Alex has a loving and warm personality that will lift up any spirit on a rainy day! 

She is a talented and creative teacher with a strong expression of burlesque and her classes will without doubt make you crave for more. 

Miss Alex will be teaching Heels Performance, Concept & Choreo & Streetjazz Advanced


Photo by Jesper Koefoed

Miss Maia

Genres: Classic Burlesque, show dance, creative expressions, singing

Best feature:

  • This sweetheart with her winning personality and charm is ready to help you find your inner Burlesque queen!.

Miss Maia is a real Miss Sunshine with a lot of energy! Her teaching is loving and fun and she is known for her addictive energy, positive spirit and characteristic stage presence. She has a talent for creating spellbinding and fun choreographies that will capture the audience and make them beg for more.

With her trademark smile this amazing showgirl will make you keep dancing even after class.

Miss Maia will be teaching It’s Sweet Burlesque



miss mie

Styles: Contemporary/moderne, jazz, street jazz, ballet, hiphop, choreography, dance technique, chairdance, heels, floorwork, showgirl

Best Features:

  • You rarely find her without a huge smile on her face - and then she happily jumps into a split when the opportunity arises.

Mie has taken two dance courses - one in classical styles such as contemporary / modern, ballet and jazz and the other in underground styles such as hip hop, choreography and break dance. So she is a queen to express different sides of herself through dance and in her teaching she works with the whole spectrum of all the people we can each be.

Mie is incredibly easy to laugh at and you can not help but be infected by her optimism and feel like hitting yourself on the dance floor with her. She is warm-hearted and crazy and loves the energy that comes along during a dance class with the students.

Miss Mie will be teaching Lyrical & Technique, Commercial Videos & Streetjazz Advanced


Photo by Jesper Koefoed

MISS ida

Genres: Classic Burlesque, Showgirl, Neo-Burlesque, Technique, Heels, Choreography, Streetjazz, Latin and Charleston.

Best feature:

  • This divalicious lady is packed with sassy dance routines inspired by her ballroom dance career and is always ready shake n’ shimmy.

Miss Josephine have been dancing since she was 6 years old and started dancing at Sweet Burlesque back in 2018. She has a long career of ballroom dancing with her, which is seen in her dancing and teaching. She will help you find your inner dancer and help you express yourself through feminine movements.

Miss Josephine walks, talks, stands, thinks, speaks and feels music – she almost sleeps music! She is energetic, smiley and focused, and she promise you a safe space with fantastic dancing, a loving atmosphere, and the chance for enormous development. Experience a whole new way of using music and learn choreographies that makes your inner diva shine through.

Miss Ida will be teaching Burlesquehall


Photo by Jesper Koefoed

miss christina mai

Genres: Classical Burlesque, Heels, Bob Fosse style, Sing & dance / Musical, Slow Burn, Argentine tango, Salsa, Disco, Creative Dance / Improvisation & Choreography.

Best features:

  • Miss Christina Mai is a singer and dancer and always has fun with it. The voice is the focal point of this diva. She is bootylicious and is known for her super short hair and always red lips.

Miss Christina Mai has been teaching music, dance and creative work for many years. She has been dancing at Sweet Burlesque since mid-2017 and is very much looking forward to combining her knowledge of learning with the teacher role this season. She has a talent for getting the energy beyond the stage edge and hitting people in the heart. At the same time, she enjoys improvising, creating fun and classic choreographies and nerds with old school styles.

Miss Christina Mai will teaching Own you own sexy energy, Movie Dance class & Retrolesque



Photo by Peter Dahlerup


Genres: Burlesque, tease

Best features:

  • a bobly, creative and inspiring diva with mindblowing ideas

Emma Rald is an upcoming Burlesque performer, and have been a student at Sweet Burlesque for many years. Emma Rald have a huge talent mastering mimics, performance and creative act development.

Emma Rald will contribute with team spirit, new ways of thinking outside the box and lots of tease when she will be starting teaching from January!

Miss Emma Rald will not be teaching in the Summer Season